WYG Episode 11 – Building Your Best Self: Redefining Success and Happiness Through Visionary Living with Steve Gamlin


John Liddle invites motivational speaker, comedian, author, coach and podcast host Steve Gamlin to share his inspiring journey of reclaiming his life and embracing his true potential.

With a strong emphasis on visioning and pursuing a better future, Steve encourages listeners to unlock their own limitless possibilities through the power of positive energy and intentional goal-setting.

Steve’s transformational journey began with his introduction to “The Secret,” where he learned about the law of attraction and the significance of putting positive energy out into the world. Inspired by the idea of visualizing his goals, he started creating vision boards that represented his aspirations.

By expanding his focus beyond material possessions, Steve holistically addressed eight key areas of life, including physical health, relationships, career, and spirituality.

While vision boards and positive energy are crucial, Steve emphasizes that a deep commitment, rooted in understanding one’s “why,” is vital to staying on track and overcoming obstacles. Through his own experiences, he discovered that unwavering dedication to personal growth and transformation can pave the way for success.


As Steve found success in achieving his goals, he started teaching others the power of visioning and positive energy. Speaking engagements at companies and hosting events centered around vision boards became opportunities for him to inspire and empower individuals to create their own compelling visions for the future.

Steve encourages listeners to imagine what their goals would look, feel, sound, smell, and taste like, creating a vivid picture of the ultimate version of themselves. By becoming the best versions of themselves, individuals have the power to achieve their dreams, and the means to accomplish them will naturally unfold.

What if we’re having trouble getting started? Steve encourages listeners to rekindle their passions, reflecting on their favorite memories and finding ways to incorporate those passions into their lives.

Additionally, he shares his personal experience of envisioning and manifesting the kind of relationship he desired, leading to a reconnection with a high school crush after 21 years.

This episode is loaded with valuable insights into the power of visioning, gratitude, self-belief, and intentional goal-setting.

Steve’s journey serves as a reminder that we all have the potential to overcome setbacks, reclaim our lives, and achieve greatness. By embracing our unique visions for the future and actively working towards them, we can unlock our full potential and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

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KEYWORDS: speaker, Toastmasters, stage stories, The Secret DVD, law of attraction, positive energy, vision board, goals, material things, life wheel, commitment, success, teaching, events, program, ultimate version, gratitude, podcast, favorite episodes, guest, Steve Damlin, visioning, morning routine, positive podcasts, acts of kindness, making a difference, complaining, opportunities, memories, volleyball, rebounding, love, relationship, law of attraction, self-deprecation, self-honoring, business growth, comedy, God, anger, communication, golf club, wildest vision board, one step a day, professional development, coaching platform, health journey, weight loss, Peloton cycle, philanthropy, tracking progress, prioritizing relationship, rock bottom, debt, moving back, low point, thunderstorm, motivational speaker, stand-up comedian, author, teacher, confidence, radio host, visualization exercise.

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